English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "gordyn" is om bedek of afgeskerm te word deur 'n stuk lap, gewoonlik 'n swaar materiaal wat 'n gordyn genoem word. Dit kan ook verwys na die handeling om gordyne op te hang om 'n venster of 'n verhoog te bedek. Die woord kan beide as 'n werkwoord en 'n byvoeglike naamwoord gebruik word, afhangende van die konteks. As werkwoord beteken dit om met gordyne te bedek of te verdeel. As 'n byvoeglike naamwoord beskryf dit iets wat deur gordyne bedek of weggesteek word. Byvoorbeeld, 'n gordynvenster of 'n gordynverhoog.

Sentence Examples

  1. She ducked into one of the curtained cubicles, dropped her bag and sank onto the bench.
  2. He walked back to the curtained window and pulled the curtain out of the way.
  3. He patrolled from the door to each curtained window, scanning each face for the return of the red-whiskered man, occasionally visiting the hall to check the servants were alert.
  4. A surly face curtained by long black hair poked out the window of a black van behind me.
  5. The windows around the cabin were curtained with thick cloth, preventing the early day sunlight from providing any contrast.
  6. They did not see the eyes watching them from the curtained alcove.