English to afrikaans meaning of

die woord "cupping" het 'n paar verskillende betekenisse:Die proses om 'n koppie te gebruik om 'n gedeeltelike vakuum op die vel te skep om bloedsirkulasie te verhoog.'n Terapie wat die gebruik van koppies behels om 'n vakuum op die vel te skep, wat vir verskeie mediese doeleindes gebruik word.Die daad van die wen van 'n beker of kampioenskap in 'n sportkompetisie.Die daad om 'n beker in jou hande of teen jou gesig te hou. Die handeling om vloeistowwe of droë bestanddele volgens volume te meet deur 'n koppie as 'n maateenheid te gebruik.

Sentence Examples

  1. Quickly, he slipped his fingers into the space between her thighs, cupping her.
  2. Cupping my face with his hands, he leaned in and kissed me, slow and gentle.
  3. He moved the few quick strides it took to reach her cot, and set her down, cupping her face in his hands and slowly savoring the taste of her mouth while she let out urgent little whimpers.
  4. He returned to cupping and nuzzling her breasts, sucking her nipples, one after the other.
  5. Hands gripped him under his shoulders, cupping his armpits and yanking him up as he gulped for air.
  6. He scrabbled faster, trying to grab onto something, anything, cupping his hands like scoops.
  7. Gazing upwards, with hands cupping his mouth, he yelled.
  8. She let go of his leg as she cried out in agony, cupping her face in her hands.
  9. Without thinking, I turned my face into his palm until he was cupping my cheek.
  10. His arms enfolded me, tight and solid, one palm cupping the back of my head.