English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "kripties" is geheimsinnig of duister in betekenis, het 'n verborge of dubbelsinnige betekenis, of moeilik om te verstaan. Dit kan verwys na iets wat doelbewus ontwerp is om moeilik te wees om te interpreteer of te ontsyfer, of iets wat bloot onduidelik of verwarrend is weens die kompleksiteit of gebrek aan duidelikheid daarvan. Byvoorbeeld, 'n kriptiese boodskap of kode kan moeilik wees om te ontsyfer omdat dit opsetlik verduister is, terwyl 'n kriptiese opmerking of gebaar moeilik kan wees om te verstaan omdat dit vaag of ondeurgrondelik is.

Sentence Examples

  1. He said something cryptic about her future and implored she speak with her father before giving her reply.
  2. Father even taunted us with cryptic hints during the week.
  3. Models of molecules, small homemade trophies with cryptic sayings on them.
  4. My brain whirred in frustration at the cryptic letter.
  5. He braced himself for the cryptic conversation he knew was imminent.
  6. Similar cryptic instructions brought her to a substantial but plain brick home bordered by three-foot-deep garden beds.
  7. It had started with his own cryptic warning to Seth, ripped from him despite his better judgment.
  8. The sorceress would speak in cryptic riddles about the Realms beyond this fragile Mortal one, where Etheric beings dwelt.
  9. In his cryptic phone call, Roberts had said the body looked to have been there for about a day, which meant it had been out in the rain and the scene had likely been washed clean.
  10. Over the years, Jack had forgotten all about Brother Francis and his cryptic note, considering it fanciful or a long shot at best, but the trial and his recent research had somehow made him think of Brother Francis and his kindness and generosity when he had needed it most.