English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "huil" kan verskil na gelang van die gebruik en konteks daarvan. Hier is 'n paar moontlike betekenisse:Om trane te stort, tipies as 'n uitdrukking van emosie soos hartseer, vreugde of pyn.Om 'n harde of hoë toon te maak. klank, soos 'n gil, geskreeu of gehuil.Om hard uit te roep of te skree, veral om iemand se aandag te trek of 'n boodskap te kommunikeer.Om 'n pleidooi te maak of 'n beroep, soos in "om te roep om hulp".Om iets in groot hoeveelhede te produseer of vry te stel, soos sweet of trane.Om 'n kenmerkende klank te uiter, soos in "die seemeeue het oorhoofs gehuil".Om iets kragtig of aanhoudend te eis, soos in "om te huil vir geregtigheid".Hierdie is van die moontlike definisies van " huil" in die Engelse taal, maar daar kan ander wees, afhangende van die spesifieke konteks of gebruik van die woord.

Sentence Examples

  1. Her eyes kept threatening to leak, so she rubbed them furiously, she refused to cry over a boy.
  2. Her scream turned to a war cry and his ecstasy turned to torment when she filled her hands with electricity and clapped them either side of his head.
  3. Then it screeched, a grating cry that cracked the glass in several car windows.
  4. I was too startled to cry out as my back slammed into the fence and I slid to the ground.
  5. But the cry of the fallen dreyvern caused the others to turn in our direction.
  6. With a strangled cry she ran, twisting and turning through the dark maze of forest, Falawn on her heels.
  7. With a cry of outrage, Sintian threw out his hand and Evan felt invisible ropes wrap around him and squeeze tight.
  8. Letting out a muffled cry of pain, she picked herself up and pelted down the street just as the man emerged around the corner of his wall.
  9. As Evan stepped away from the trial portal, he heard Gettelung cry out as the door exploded open.
  10. How making others cry will ease my load is beyond me.

TV Series Examples



They cry out for their true king.



l made the bald man cry