English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "verpletter" is om met krag gedruk of saamgedruk te word om te breek of te beskadig, of om deur druk toe te pas tot klein deeltjies of poeier gereduseer word. Dit kan ook verwys na om emosioneel of geestelik verwoes of oorweldig te wees deur 'n moeilike situasie of gebeurtenis. In sport kan dit beteken om 'n teenstander beslissend te verslaan of om hulle gedemoraliseerd te laat voel.

Sentence Examples

  1. I pulled him towards me and crushed my lips against his.
  2. She wanted to scream, wanted to tear every beam from the rafters and collapse the building in on its occupants, even if it meant she would be crushed along with them.
  3. Warmth flooded through my body as he crushed his lips against mine.
  4. The silence crushed me with its weight, and my skin was clammy all over.
  5. Jack smiled, his eyes sparkling with more warmth than the crushed coal.
  6. Within minutes the dead themselves were the blockade, and the men forced forward were crushed into the narrow street, unable to defend themselves, and with no space to draw a sword they were trampled, or if they made it to the front they were hacked down by the men manning the barricades.
  7. If she was asleep, her body was being held upright by the people crushed against her.
  8. A moment before the gargoyle crushed Evan into a red stain, its fists froze an inch from his face.
  9. My hope had been crushed and lay dispersed among the dead needles.
  10. The weak races deserve to be crushed and the strong to survive.