English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n werkwoord beteken "verpletter" tipies om iets met geweld te druk of te druk, wat dikwels veroorsaak dat dit plat of gebreek word.As 'n selfstandige naamwoord kan "verpletter" 'n oorvol byeenkoms van mense beteken of 'n gevoel van romantiese verliefdheid of bewondering vir iemand.Hier is 'n paar voorbeeldsinne om die verskillende betekenisse van "verplettering" te illustreer:Hy het 'n hamer gebruik om die neute in klein stukkies.Die motor was heeltemal vergruis in die ongeluk.Ons het 'n groot drukgang gehad van mense wat op dieselfde tyd deur die deur probeer kom het. Ek is mal oor my medewerker en ek kan nie ophou om aan haar te dink nie.


  1. crunch
  2. compaction

Sentence Examples

  1. The walls of the manor pressed in around Cianne, threatening to crush her, making her skin crawl with the need to get away.
  2. The walls began closing in around me, squeezing, until eventually I knew they would crush my heart.
  3. Liz felt an elbow strike her arm as she was buffeted by the festering panic that surged through the crush of people.
  4. You shall crush corruption, defend the helpless, foster with your words and deeds the tenets of morality and righteousness.
  5. Jed crawled backwards as the giant bore down on him, preparing to crush him to paste.
  6. At five minutes before three, a crush of reporters and camera operators crowded around the stage and podium, with the Mural Project in the background.
  7. Then, I realized if Connor recognized the sheriff had a crush on him, the entire Maggie versus my sister problem could go away.
  8. Let Nana D weigh in before I crush you for saying something so pathetic.
  9. Lance felt oddly exposed in this crowd, as though the crush of people knew his innermost fears and insecurities, and he desperately wished to be somewhere else, anywhere else.
  10. His fear was so palpable he felt as if it could crush him.