English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "frommel" is om iets te vergruis of in 'n vormlose massa te druk, om skielik ineen te stort of te kreukel, of om swak of oneffektief te word. Die woord kan gebruik word om die aksie te beskryf om iets te vergruis of saam te druk, soos 'n stuk papier of stof, of die ineenstorting van 'n struktuur of voorwerp. Dit kan ook figuurlik gebruik word om 'n persoon se emosionele of fisiese toestand te beskryf, soos in "sy het opgefrommel onder die druk."


  1. buckle

Sentence Examples

  1. By the time I was done with the drawing I was ready to crumple it up like I did with Mom.
  2. In consternation, he saw Sparrow give a little whimper and crumple onto the floor.
  3. Belah opened her eyes in time to see a man-sized shape fly through the air, hit the wall across from her with a crunch, and crumple to the floor.
  4. He received the paper very peevishly, and was about to crumple it, apparently to throw it in the fire, when a casual glance at the design seemed suddenly to rivet his attention.
  5. She crossed her arms and dug her fingers into her ribs in an attempt to hold herself upright, to stave off the urge to crumple onto the floor and fold in on herself and give up.
  6. Did nothing to lessen the horror of seeing Nina, her bloodied hands hanging at her sides, slowly crumple to the floor, a shard of glass protruding from her belly.
  7. Withdrawing the sword had his body crumple lifelessly to the ground.