English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "menigte" is die handeling van bymekaarkom of saamdruk in 'n diggepakte groep of massa. Dit kan ook verwys na die toestand van oorvol wees of die toestand van vol of meer, wat dikwels tot ongemak of ongerief vir die betrokkenes lei. Die term kan gebruik word om fisiese voorwerpe of mense te beskryf, sowel as abstrakte konsepte soos idees of emosies wat lyk of hulle oorweldig of oorvloedig word in 'n gegewe ruimte of situasie.

Sentence Examples

  1. At our landing, the captain forced me to cover myself with his cloak, to prevent the rabble from crowding about me.
  2. When the limo rolled to a stop outside a glitzy hotel entrance and I saw paparazzi and reporters crowding either side of a red carpet, I almost threw up.
  3. He was under the shade of a tree, as has been said, and there, like flies on honey, thoughts came crowding upon him and stinging him.
  4. Again there was the confusion of crowding into the ferry, Thane of Fife, but this time, Watters shuffled along with the mob, keeping his head ducked down.
  5. The time I waited seemed endless, and I felt doubts and fears crowding upon me.
  6. To this question the smugglers replied that, although successful in landing their cargo in safety, they had scarcely done so when they received intelligence that a guard-ship had just quitted the port of Toulon and was crowding all sail towards them.
  7. It seemed as though the entire city was out tonight, jostling and crowding in for a better view.
  8. Forcing herself to pay attention to the room, Helena recognised a few faces she had seen on television, crowding around the main desk.
  9. The other people in the large cell stayed clear of me, crowding together on the other benches.
  10. The darkness was a physical thing, crowding into his eyes, clawing at his face, reaching, cold and ophidian, down his throat to tickle at his heart.