English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "kruising" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks. Hier is 'n paar van die mees algemene definisies:Die handeling om van die een kant na die ander oor te gaan; 'n oorgang van een toestand, plek of toestand na 'n ander. Voorbeeld: Die kruising van die rivier was moeilik weens die sterk strome.'n Plek waar twee of meer paaie, paadjies of lyne mekaar kruis. Voorbeeld: Die voetganger het by die kruising gewag vir die verkeerslig om groen te word.Die kruising van twee dier- of plantvariëteite wat lei tot nageslag met eienskappe van albei ouers; 'n baster. Voorbeeld: Die nuwe hondras was die resultaat van 'n kruising tussen 'n poedel en 'n Labrador.'n Merk of simbool wat gemaak is deur lyne wat mekaar sny. Voorbeeld: Die kruising van twee lyne het 'n X-vorm gevorm.Die handeling om iets teë te staan of te trotseer, veral 'n reël of wet. Voorbeeld: Die groep het 'n oorsteek van die grens georganiseer om teen die regering se immigrasiebeleid te protesteer.

Sentence Examples

  1. Instead, I enjoy the rolling countryside of northwest Arkansas with the budding sycamore and maple trees, fields full of rolled hay and nonchalant cows and little rolling streams crossing the highway.
  2. Crossing the yard his attention was caught by a heated argument taking place between a girl and a water carrier.
  3. We were a pack of two, running together, the forest silent except for our heavy breathing and the rustle we made crossing the decaying carpet beneath our feet.
  4. I could already feel the flush of heat crossing my body.
  5. Crossing her arms over her chest, she resisted the urge to thrust her bottom lip out.
  6. The man looks him up and down before crossing the street and standing at the next corner.
  7. The railroad tracks were not part of the park, but they could be accessed by climbing the fence and crossing the trestle.
  8. When I reach the bottom tread Shirley holds open the door, letting it go as I pass through and crossing the foyer and heading on outside without a backward glance.
  9. John had already given her a queer sideways look when he caught her crossing the courtyard for the third time that evening.
  10. He would have invited her to have a seat, but she stopped a few inches from the door, crossing her arms, her face tight, and he decided not to bother with pleasantries.