English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "krieket" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks, maar oor die algemeen verwys dit na:'n Soort insek verwant aan die sprinkaanfamilie, bekend vir sy kenmerkende gekwetter klank.'n Gewilde sport wat met 'n bal, kolf en paaltjies gespeel word, wat gewoonlik twee spanne van 11 spelers elk betrek.'n Toestel wat 'n tjirpgeluid maak, wat dikwels gebruik word as 'n sein of om 'n kalmerende effek te skep.'n Houtvoetbank of lae stoeltjie met 'n opvouontwerp, wat dikwels vir sitplekke gebruik word.'n Speletjie wat met 'n klein bal en spane gespeel word, dikwels gespeel binnenshuis. Dit staan ook bekend as tafelkrieket of tafelkrieket.Hierdie is 'n paar van die algemene betekenisse van die woord "krieket", maar daar kan ander interpretasies wees gebaseer op spesifieke kontekste of gebruik.

Sentence Examples

  1. Doof-doof music beat through the air and the house was lit up like the Melbourne Cricket Ground.
  2. There was news of the war in America, Garibaldi, the French exploits in Mexico, and an unseasonal cricket match between the Albert and Broughty Ferry Cricket Clubs.
  3. But here were two guileless citizens taking their innocuous exercise, and soon about to go indoors to a humdrum dinner, where they would talk of market prices and the last cricket scores and the gossip of their native Surbiton.
  4. THE birthplace of the Australian cricket bat, its oval was an oasis nourished by purified sewage water.
  5. No signs of life occurred near him, but occasionally the melancholy chirp of a cricket, or perhaps the guttural twang of a bullfrog from a neighboring marsh, as if sleeping uncomfortably and turning suddenly in his bed.
  6. Another was very clever and was able to catch a cricket.
  7. The cricket choir discouraged casual conversation.