English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "geloofwaardig" is "in staat om geglo te word; oortuigend; betroubaar." Wanneer iets of iemand geloofwaardig is, beteken dit dat hulle as betroubaar, betroubaar en geloofwaardig beskou word. Geloofwaardigheid is 'n belangrike eienskap op baie terreine van die lewe, insluitend joernalistiek, politiek en besigheid. As iets geloofwaardig is, sal dit waarskynlik deur ander as waar of akkuraat aanvaar word.

Sentence Examples

  1. He has thirty of his own men, added to what I have here we will be able to provide Northumberland with some credible support.
  2. My challenge was how to tell him in a credible and empathetic way.
  3. The story was so fantastic and incredible, the telling so credible and sober.
  4. She drew breath again while she scrambled for a credible answer to give.
  5. In what words shall I describe this dread exploit, by what language shall I make it credible to ages to come, what eulogies are there unmeet for thee, though they be hyperboles piled on hyperboles!
  6. He was so bird-like it seemed hardly credible that he could consume such a quantity of food.
  7. To checkmate him Cervantes drew up a series of twenty-five questions, covering the whole period of his captivity, upon which he requested Father Gil to take the depositions of credible witnesses before a notary.
  8. Sabienn saw it as fake but credible documentation that The Master was involved with street health and pastoral care.