English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "skepping" is die handeling of proses om iets tot stand te bring of iets te laat bestaan. Dit kan verwys na die handeling om iets nuuts te skep of te maak, sowel as die ding wat geskep is. Die woord kan ook 'n breër filosofiese of godsdienstige konnotasie hê, wat verwys na die daad om die wêreld of heelal tot stand te bring deur 'n goddelike of bonatuurlike wese. Daarbenewens kan die woord in 'n meer algemene sin gebruik word om na enige soort kreatiewe werk te verwys, soos kuns, literatuur of musiek.

Sentence Examples

  1. A creation of my own mind, I was aware of that, but it was a tremendous consolation to know that she actually existed somewhere in the real world, outside of my feverish brain.
  2. It is the incongruity of Sancho in all his ways, words, and works, with the ideas and aims of his master, quite as much as the wonderful vitality and truth to nature of the character, that makes him the most humorous creation in the whole range of fiction.
  3. His wife pulled Lizzie aside to help pick out different fruit that would be the subject of her next watercolor creation.
  4. It would have been strange indeed if he had not been proud of the most humorous creation in all fiction.
  5. Khaly woke, grabbed at her creation, and turned it off.
  6. Once he was sure it was secure, he smiled contentedly at his creation and stood up.
  7. Legends say that just before they withdrew, still smoldering from the rude abuse they had received from their young and arrogant creation, the gods decided to punish man for his insolence by creating their eternal tormentor and nemesis.
  8. I used to fancy that life was a positive and perpetual entity, and that by consuming a multitude of live things, no matter how low in the scale of creation, one might indefinitely prolong life.
  9. He esteems that object to be the creation of Beauty, and perhaps it is only in the definition of that word that we disagree with him.
  10. It was a nightmarish noise, and it hammered home the truth that although destruction can be explosively loud, creation has its own voice.