English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "krater" is 'n groot, bakvormige verlaging in die oppervlak van die aarde of van 'n ander hemelliggaam, tipies veroorsaak deur 'n ontploffing of die impak van 'n meteoriet of ander hemelliggaam. Die term "krater" kan ook verwys na 'n bakvormige depressie of holte in die grond, gewoonlik veroorsaak deur die ineenstorting van die dak van 'n ondergrondse holte of deur 'n vulkaniese uitbarsting. Daarbenewens kan "krater" ook verwys na 'n bakvormige houer wat gebruik word om kos te meng of voor te sit.

Sentence Examples

  1. All that remained of our site was a huge, steaming crater, the epicenter of which was my melted camping chair.
  2. The tail swung violently below, making a crater of the path.
  3. Minus a crater and body parts, the scene before me was eerily familiar.
  4. Talk amongst their following subsides again as they catch sight of the crater.
  5. There was nothing but a crater where the four men had once stood.
  6. Yellow King limped for his weapons as Tristan recovered, his body had made a small crater in the temple floor.
  7. Smoking rubble surrounded a crater where the office building had been.
  8. But immediately through this opening twenty more shots were fired, and the flame, rushing up like fire from the crater of a volcano, soon reached the tapestry, which it quickly devoured.
  9. When the cloudy haze lifted, a huge crater remained in the ground.
  10. Each has its own unique majesty, found mostly in the shape of its crater.