English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "kramp" is 'n skielike en onwillekeurige sametrekking van 'n spier of spiere, wat pyn en tydelike gestremdheid veroorsaak. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n metaalgereedskap met geboƫ kake wat gebruik word om klein voorwerpe vas te hou of draad te buig, of 'n pynlike, beperkende sensasie in 'n deel van die liggaam wat veroorsaak word deur stywe klere of oormatige inspanning. Daarbenewens kan "kramp" as 'n werkwoord gebruik word, wat beteken om 'n kramp te veroorsaak of daaraan te ly, of om beweging of ontwikkeling te beperk of te belemmer.

Sentence Examples

  1. It happened that, as I was watching some of the little people bathing in a shallow, one of them was seized with cramp and began drifting downstream.
  2. Sure their boobs might grow, and their tummies cramp, but whooptie-stinkin-doo.
  3. Anxiety made her stomach cramp and she sat straighter to try and ease it.
  4. Georgie stamped a cramp from her left calf and grabbed the next letter.
  5. He did not feel tired or sweaty, he did not experience the stab of a stitch or the burn of acid reflux, and his limbs were immune to cramp.
  6. Her muscles cramp and burn as if lava flows through her veins.
  7. Right on cue, with the car in sight, his legs started to cramp.
  8. She ignored the cramp in her legs and back from her unusual squatting position, ignored the pain in her arms and shoulders and continued chasing that always receding horizon.
  9. I forced myself to stand, although that made me almost double over with another cramp.