English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "verbond" is 'n formele en bindende ooreenkoms of kontrak tussen twee of meer partye, wat tipies beloftes aan mekaar of verpligtinge behels om sekere voorwaardes na te kom. In 'n godsdienstige konteks kan 'n verbond ook verwys na 'n plegtige ooreenkoms tussen God en sy volk, of tussen verskillende groepe gelowiges.

Sentence Examples

  1. This was the ancient covenant that the first wolf that came in from the Wild entered into with man.
  2. There is much at stake in a battle for a king or a kingdom and religious faith is at the heart of the journey that connects chess, seekers of conquest through perceived divine guidance, and a covenant people.
  3. The Honorless gave up all they were when they broke covenant with the gods.
  4. They broke covenant and gave their souls to the abyss.
  5. Now that I understand that you cannot be open with me, I revoke my requirement for you to keep me informed in circumstances where it conflicts with your woodfolk covenant.
  6. I do not know how his years under the covenant will affect his life expectancy.
  7. And, like all succeeding wolves and wild dogs that had done likewise, White Fang worked the covenant out for himself.
  8. This covenant between us was none of my making and it is not within my gift to remove it.
  9. The months went by, binding stronger and stronger the covenant between dog and man.
  10. We would form a covenant they would sacrifice to me, and I would protect them.