English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "koepee" is 'n tweedeurmotor met 'n vaste dak en 'n skuins agterste daklyn. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n tipe glas of klein drinkbeker, of 'n klein nagereg wat in 'n vlak gereg bedien word. In sommige kontekste kan "koepee" ook verwys na 'n soort roomysgereg of 'n kort, vierwiel perdekar.

Sentence Examples

  1. Château-Renaud perceived him and immediately alighting from his coupé, joined him Beauchamp did the same.
  2. You will take your place in the coupé to Châlons.
  3. Luckily, the air conditioning in the Mustang Coupe made breathing easier and added to the comfort of our shorts and T-shirts.
  4. Bud was waiting beside his Chevrolet coupe parked against the high chain fence beyond which a lineup of trucks crept toward the produce market.
  5. His eyes were then transfixed on a yellow luxury coupe driven by a grim faced young man dressed stylishly in a floral cloak.
  6. Then he stepped into his coupé, calm and smiling, and was at home in five minutes.
  7. Shirley drives a blue Maserati coupe and she drives it fast.
  8. Matrimonial Projects The day following this scene, at the hour Debray usually chose to pay a visit to Madame Danglars on his way to his office, his coupé did not appear.
  9. Now, add power-sapping Federal emission controls, discontinue the elegant fixed-head coupe for a long wheelbase, perfection stretched on a medieval rack.