English to afrikaans meaning of

Volgens die Oxford English Dictionary het die woord "land" veelvuldige betekenisse, insluitend:'n Nasie met sy eie regering, wat 'n bepaalde gebied beset.Die land van 'n persoon se geboorte, burgerskap of woonplek.'n Gebied of streek met afsonderlike kenmerke, soos kultuur, of geografie, of land. 'n taal, of land. geografiese gebied of distrik.Die betekenis van "land" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word.


  1. area

Sentence Examples

  1. On the couch, gazing out those windows, I could forget I sat above a country store, until someone honked or knocked, treating me like an all-night convenience store.
  2. Wyatt was a man who had fought for England in the Italian wars, and later played a prominent role in the siege of Boulogne he had little intention of standing by and watching Mary hand his country to Spain.
  3. I tend to do that, drive down country roads and imagine the lives of people in the ranch house, the woodsy cottage, the sprawling farmhouse.
  4. I paused along the way at a mountainside diner and enjoyed a huge breakfast of eggs, country ham, biscuits and grits while I watched hummingbirds flit about the patio feeders and fog drift lazily across the Ozarks.
  5. Country kids grew up fast, which was why I wanted to talk with him that morning.
  6. She still felt anger and guilt about how he had been forced to do his duty to country rather than be here now to care for the ones who really mattered.
  7. It was light blue, a real pretty color that would make folks notice as we rolled down country roads.
  8. Our friends chipped in and gave us two nights at a Lafayette bed and breakfast called T-Freres, which means Little Brother in Cajun, so we drove the two hours into Cajun Country for sex, crawfish and zydeco dancing.
  9. Both the dam and the park are on the National Register of Historic Places and the acreage is one of the largest city parks in the country.
  10. Hazeldene had grown from an original Norman stronghold to more of a country residence.

TV Series Examples



They know their country