English to afrikaans meaning of

'n Raadslid is 'n lid van 'n raad, wat 'n groep mense is wat aangestel of verkies is om besluite te neem of advies te gee oor 'n bepaalde kwessie of om 'n plaaslike gebied te regeer. Raadslede word gewoonlik deur die inwoners van 'n spesifieke plek verkies of deur 'n hoër gesag aangestel om op 'n raad te dien, wat 'n stadsraad, distriksraad of ander tipe beheerliggaam kan wees. Die rol van 'n raadslid is om die belange van die mense wat hulle dien te verteenwoordig en om saam met ander lede van die raad te werk om besluite te neem wat in die beste belang van die gemeenskap is.

Sentence Examples

  1. With a horrified expression, the Councilman stared at the increasing bloodstain on his torn shirt.
  2. Councilman Stanton and Coach Oliver argued about something, but I was too far away to guess the crux.
  3. Do you know she had Nana D sitting next to Councilman Stanton at a table in the back row?
  4. Nana D planned to start a petition to have the councilman removed from office because of his sweaty hands.
  5. Anyone within earshot strained to hear every word, commit to memory every facial expression of this interaction between Councilman Mario Santorello and the Santa Clara Jesuits.
  6. She pushed away from the windowsill, threw on a shirt that covered her mark, and left the room to find the Councilman.
  7. Well, I guess having something like that happen to me would make me a Councilman.
  8. There was bound to be some kind of penalty for the death of a Councilman.
  9. By the time the game started, the councilman had thrown his tray of fries on the ground and stormed up the steps to the exit.