English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "kosmos" is:Die heelal beskou as 'n harmonieuse en ordelike sisteem.Die hele fisiese heelal, insluitend alle materie en energie, sterrestelsels, sterre, planete en ander hemelliggame.'n Komplekse of ordelike stelsel, soos die wêreld of die samelewing, wat as 'n geïntegreerde geheel beskou word. Die woord "kosmos" kan ook verwys na 'n gewilde televisiereeks oor ruimteverkenning en wetenskaplike ontdekking.


  1. cosmea

Sentence Examples

  1. And she fell into the sky, watching the World change and change again beneath the eternal cosmos.
  2. Like a voice echoing down through the centuries, whispers came unbidden into her mind and teased and taunted, promising all the power of the cosmos if she but stepped into shadow.
  3. Your grandfather used it back in the day to make sure none of those pesky Elder Gods got into our Worlds that they stayed outside of our Cosmos and as far away as possible.
  4. As if its echo left a hollow deep into the cosmos.
  5. When Artemis was a girl, Phoebe had brought her here and claimed the Primordials had given rise to all the cosmos in a time before time.
  6. This arrogant, solipsistic abomination who thought the whole of the cosmos existed in service to his petty desires.
  7. The tunnel where it led was not a place, in the strictest sense, but the very terminus of the World, for Tartarus bounded the cosmos, both holding back the taint within its walls, and encouraging it to fester.
  8. As if they were part of the writhing torment encompassing the whole of the cosmos.
  9. There were things she could not understand about the cosmos, about the Elder Gods, and about the Art.
  10. Yellow King has moved an entire town from across the Cosmos just to have an edge in this Easter egg hunt.