English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "korrupsie" is die daad van oneerlike gebruik van 'n mens se posisie of mag vir persoonlike gewin, of die daad om iets immoreel of onrein te maak. Dit kan ook verwys na die toestand van verval, bederf of besmet. In 'n politieke konteks kan korrupsie verwys na die gebruik van openbare amp vir persoonlike gewin of die misbruik van mag vir persoonlike of politieke gewin. Korrupsie kan baie vorme aanneem, soos omkopery, verduistering, nepotisme en bedrog, en word algemeen beskou as 'n ernstige probleem in baie samelewings.

Sentence Examples

  1. And when he readied for bed, I was treated to a diatribe on the latest scandal in what I was quick to realise was a corruption culture second to none.
  2. My gratitude to Angela Webster for translating in a meeting and providing me with valuable research material, and to the César Manrique Foundation for providing me with an account of their own fight against corruption.
  3. No matter how pretty the enclave looked from the outside, its appearance belied the corruption and filth lurking behind its walls.
  4. Most of the Healers Kila had known took this vow very seriously, considering themselves duty-bound to serve Aima, Lady of Life, and their sense of mission meant that they were renowned for their resistance to corruption.
  5. But when it comes to corruption, nowhere, and no one, is immune.
  6. I once heard that back when he began, anyone who denounced corruption would lose their jobs, receive death threats their children were attacked, their lives and the lives of their families rendered a living hell.
  7. I knew from the moment I moved into his house that he had an interest in fighting corruption, but in those early months while I was pregnant he devoted a great deal of his time to me and my needs.
  8. There appears to be a business-as-usual mentality to corruption here too, and Celestino has told me often enough that anyone on Lanzarote who dares to seek change is hounded into silence.
  9. Especially since that overdevelopment is the result of exploitation and corruption.
  10. The island seems to bring out the best and the worst in people, and Celestino is too caught up in the battle, driven by a conviction that only by naming and shaming will the corruption end.