English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "korrup" is om oneerlik op te tree in ruil vir persoonlike gewin, om iets moreel en/of wetlik gedegradeer te laat word, of om iets te bederf of te besoedel. Dit kan ook beteken om iemand te beïnvloed of om te koop om iets onwettig of oneties te doen, of om verval of vrot te word. Die term kan gebruik word om beide individue en sisteme te beskryf wat betrokke is by onetiese gedrag of praktyke.

Sentence Examples

  1. The corrupt practices of those early initiators metastasised at a tremendous rate.
  2. And only if you were totally corrupt, would the binding spell not take hold.
  3. What would become of him if those corrupt officials did find out?
  4. A few pub goers shouted from the windows, taunting the police were corrupt.
  5. Marcus held his breath, waiting with dread for his favorite image of Evie to corrupt.
  6. It was not alone that it was composed of all the ills of mortality and with the pungent, acrid smell of blood, but it seemed as though corruption had become itself corrupt.
  7. As the curse threatens to corrupt the woodfolk and loyalties around him grow thin, can Tarkyn wield his powers to save his people?
  8. However, power does not corrupt everyone within its sphere and therein lies your hope.
  9. Whenever we get together for dinner, after the food is eaten and Gloria asleep, the two men spend hours mulling over some dirty deed or other, Celestino telling Bill all he knows about corrupt practices on the island and Bill wading in with various scandals in the UK and Europe and the United States.
  10. The Muscatine, Iowa, native made a fortune in the 1920s broadcasting ads for his mail order products, claiming his natural remedies would cure what ailed people as opposed to what he considered the corrupt American Medical Association.