English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "regstelling" is die handeling of proses om iets reg te maak of foute of foute te verwyder. Dit kan verwys na verskeie kontekste, soos om foute reg te stel, gedrag of houdings aan te pas, verbeterings aan te bring of 'n aksieplan te wysig om 'n gewenste uitkoms te bereik. Oor die algemeen impliseer die term "regstelling" die identifikasie en oplossing van probleme of onakkuraathede, dikwels met die doel om die kwaliteit, akkuraatheid of doeltreffendheid van iets te herstel of te verbeter.

Sentence Examples

  1. A man like Danglars was wholly inaccessible to any gentler method of correction.
  2. A task carried out with abundant diligence, to the point that at times it resulted in excessive zeal, by the correction itself.
  3. She saw a course correction to maneuver around another large patch of debris.
  4. Okay, correction, he was dancing with you and the girls.
  5. I issued an immediate correction and he laid down on the blacktop where he belonged.