English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "mielies" wissel na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar algemene betekenisse:'n Soort graan wat die hoofgewas in baie lande is, insluitend die Verenigde State. Mielies word dikwels gebruik vir voedselprodukte, soos mieliemeel, mielieblom en springmielies.'n Verharde of verdikte area van die vel, tipies op die voet of hand. Dit kan veroorsaak word deur wrywing, druk of ander soorte irritasie.'n Klein harde deeltjie of stukkie, wat dikwels gebruik word om klein klippies of deeltjies sand te beskryf.In Britse Engels kan "corn" as 'n sinoniem vir "graan" in 'n algemene sin gebruik word, terwyl in Amerikaanse Engels, "corn" spesifiek na mielies verwys. In sommige dialekte of streke kan "mielies" as 'n sinoniem vir "whisky" of ander alkoholiese drankies gebruik word.

Sentence Examples

  1. Math and even some of my other classes had grown increasingly difficult since the corn maze incident.
  2. There were, besides, piles of the whitest bread, like the heaps of corn one sees on the threshing-floors.
  3. The carver arrives and serves our entrée along with baked potatoes, creamed spinach, and corn bread.
  4. The country around the lake was well cultivated, for the Mormons are mostly farmers while ranches and pens for domesticated animals, fields of wheat, corn, and other cereals, luxuriant prairies, hedges of wild rose, clumps of acacias and milk-wort, would have been seen six months later.
  5. Anti-foaming agents, corn oil, chemical synthesis.
  6. The plan of a drain, the change of a fence, the felling of a tree, and the destination of every acre for wheat, turnips, or spring corn, was entered into with as much equality of interest by John, as his cooler manners rendered possible and if his willing brother ever left him any thing to inquire about, his inquiries even approached a tone of eagerness.
  7. Through the windows of their carriage the travellers had glimpses of the diversified landscape of Behar, with its mountains clothed in verdure, its fields of barley, wheat, and corn, its jungles peopled with green alligators, its neat villages, and its still thickly-leaved forests.
  8. But you do not find the good husbandman dig up his planted corn to see if he grow that is for the children who play at husbandry, and not for those who take it as of the work of their life.
  9. I flashed on a table laden with homemade biscuits and beans and corn pudding and probably another fresh pie.
  10. A sketch of a grinning ear of corn in a hazmat suit peeked out from under her laptop.