English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "samevlieënier" is 'n vlieënier wat die vlieënier bystaan in die bedryf van 'n vliegtuig of ander voertuig, tipies deur pligte uit te voer soos monitering-instrumente, kommunikasie met lugverkeerbeheer, en die hantering van sommige van die kontroles . Die medevlieënier staan ook bekend as die tweede-in-bevel of eerste offisier.


  1. co-pilot

Sentence Examples

  1. He switched to the private channel for pilot and copilot, so we could talk without being overheard.
  2. Purple Heart with oak leaf clusters, and a Silver Star for the time he went down and carried his wounded copilot seven miles through enemy territory to the nearest US firebase, with an AK round in his left lung.
  3. Although the wider, more comfortable backseat would be expected for a man of his station, Dhe assumed the copilot chair.
  4. Larry hit the button that opened the hangar, then ran to shut the fuselage door and take the copilot position.
  5. At the far end, a set of steps led to a piloting deck with two chairs for the pilot and a copilot.