English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord verwys "koördinaat" na 'n stel getalle of waardes wat gebruik word om die presiese posisie van 'n punt of voorwerp in 'n spesifieke ruimte of stelsel te spesifiseer, soos breedtegraad en lengtegraad op die Aarde se oppervlak of x, y, en z-asse in driedimensionele ruimte. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n persoon of organisasie wat verantwoordelik is vir die koördinering of organisering van verskillende aktiwiteite of mense om 'n gemeenskaplike doel te bereik.As 'n werkwoord beteken "koördineer" om verskillende elemente of mense bymekaar te bring in 'n harmonieuse en doeltreffende manier, dikwels vir 'n spesifieke doel of doel. Dit kan ook beteken om die tydsberekening of funksionering van verskillende dele of stelsels te pas of aan te pas sodat hulle effektief saamwerk.


  1. co-ordinate

Sentence Examples

  1. I was letting myself daydream about Stephen and Walter coming in to coordinate the event, maybe even construct a small stage for music at the end of the road, and seeing Galen as our media chair with Marcus managing the shop while I coordinated the readers and advertising.
  2. Trying to coordinate across the ocean is not as easy as it should be.
  3. The cell phone calls from the airline flights were proving to be difficult to coordinate.
  4. If she and the others were feeling the demands of this case, it was a thousand times worse for their supervisor, who had to coordinate the investigation, keep a rein on the press, and answer to every higher-up and politician in the city, if not the province.
  5. Cain was having sleepless nights trying to coordinate everything.
  6. Axandra offered that Eryn coordinate the assembly, as the Healer had already discussed the idea with her.