English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "samewerking" is die proses om met ander saam te werk vir 'n gemeenskaplike doel of voordeel. Dit behels samewerking, deel van hulpbronne en doeltreffende kommunikasie om 'n gedeelde doelwit of doelwit te bereik. Samewerking kan plaasvind tussen individue, organisasies of selfs lande, en word dikwels gesien as 'n sleutelelement van suksesvolle spanwerk en vennootskappe. Dit vereis 'n bereidwilligheid om kompromieƫ aan te gaan en 'n begrip van die waarde daarvan om saam te werk na 'n gemeenskaplike doelwit.

Sentence Examples

  1. Dean had awoken this morning and given a speech about rationing and how it could save lives, and how cooperation could rebuild them.
  2. The woman could call her what she liked if it meant her cooperation.
  3. Tell everyone I am speaking as the guardian of the forest and I need their full cooperation.
  4. Previous subjects have learned that cooperation is the easiest solution.
  5. In short, Vienna has made her a tourist and publicity icon, and Dr Gruber came up with a cunning idea to exploit this and enlist the help and cooperation of the authorities to assist us in our search for the sarcophagus fitting the key.
  6. The messenger had completed his part of the plan, since his confession and subsequent cooperation they had treated him well.
  7. In other words, there is no cooperation but they still come to visit me.
  8. Reyna had proven an adept instructor, more condescending than Arthur would have liked, but she accepted his advice that she would gain greater cooperation if she complimented the good, more than she criticized the bad, in her pupils.
  9. His ignorance as to how cooperation between the House and Enforcement worked would lead to his questioning everything, and his not knowing what to expect should make it easier for him to spot any untoward conduct between Burl and the members.
  10. For this trial, you will be paired at random with a teammate to test cooperation.