English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "klooster" is 'n selfstandige naamwoord wat verwys na 'n godsdienstige gemeenskap van vroue wat saamwoon en 'n bepaalde reël of stel reëls volg. Dit kan ook verwys na die gebou of geboue waar so 'n gemeenskap woon, of na 'n vergadering of vergadering van lede van 'n godsdienstige orde.

Sentence Examples

  1. Although she saw herself a widow, it is said she refused either to quit the convent or take the veil, until, not long afterwards, intelligence reached her that Lothario had been killed in a battle in which M.
  2. Of his burial-place nothing is known except that he was buried, in accordance with his will, in the neighbouring convent of Trinitarian nuns, of which it is supposed his daughter, Isabel de Saavedra, was an inmate, and that a few years afterwards the nuns removed to another convent, carrying their dead with them.
  3. At length he resolved to conduct her to a convent of which a sister of his was prioress Camilla agreed to this, and with the speed which the circumstances demanded, Lothario took her to the convent and left her there, and then himself quitted the city without letting anyone know of his departure.
  4. The statue, originally from a wayside shrine in Flanders, had been saved by nuns from French Revolutionaries who suppressed their convent.
  5. The same day that Leandra made her appearance her father removed her from our sight and took her away to shut her up in a convent in a town near this, in the hope that time may wear away some of the disgrace she has incurred.
  6. She is dishonorably discharged from court, and in despair, she flees to the convent at Chaillot.
  7. Wylie flew over the city until she came to a convent known for protecting battered women and children.
  8. About a year ago, I talked of retiring to a convent.