English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "teenstrydig" is iets wat 'n teenstrydigheid behels of uitdruk, of wedersyds gekant of teenstrydig is. Dit kan verwys na stellings, opinies of optrede wat in stryd met mekaar is of nie logies kan saambestaan nie. Byvoorbeeld, as iemand een ding sê en dan later die teenoorgestelde sê, is daardie stellings teenstrydig. Net so, as iemand twee oortuigings het wat nie albei op dieselfde tyd waar kan wees nie, is daardie oortuigings teenstrydig.

Sentence Examples

  1. Such pieces are only valuable when they display what we can only express by the contradictory phrase of innate experience.
  2. The contradictory thought came to her mind, surprising her.
  3. As time passed and no discovery ensued, a thousand contradictory rumors were circulated, and journalists busied themselves in suggestions.
  4. So he tended to believe the contradictory accounts that had the king dying of his wounds in Driffelda.
  5. The contradictory views made her feel nauseated and she stared at the ground in an attempt to stop the dizziness.
  6. Large and fast, moving with a contradictory mix of awkwardness and grace.
  7. Different, contradictory secrets told to specific individuals for specific results with oaths sworn in the name of the Almighty.
  8. And how come there is very little contradictory evidence to these facts in any other research that was around?