English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "konsekwent" is:byvoeglike naamwoord -Optree of gedoen op dieselfde manier oor tyd, veral om regverdig te wees of akkuraat.(van 'n persoon, gedrag of proses) onveranderlik in prestasie of effek oor 'n tydperk.Versoenbaar met of in ooreenstemming met iets.(van 'n argument, idee of beleid) logies en onveranderlik.Voorbeeldsinne:Sy was konsekwent in haar ondersteuning vir die projek.Die span se konsekwente pogings het hulle gehelp om die kampioenskap te wen.Die bevindinge stem ooreen met vorige studies in die veld.Die politikus se boodskap was nie in ooreenstemming met sy optrede .

Sentence Examples

  1. Weston Shoes once advertised consistent leather coloration and so dried and cured their own leather.
  2. His only consistent purpose seemed to be finding new ways to push her.
  3. Both the text and the financial statements must all be internally consistent.
  4. Consistent with partnering with UNISWA, Wendy and Atiba first explored the campus as they looked for potential colocation sites.
  5. Her breathing was ragged, but consistent, but her eyes remained closed.
  6. He replied they might say what they liked, for he was not in a state to give advice that would be of any use all he could tell her was to try and stanch the blood, as he was going where he should never more be seen and with every appearance of deep grief and sorrow he left the house but when he found himself alone, and where there was nobody to see him, he crossed himself unceasingly, lost in wonder at the adroitness of Camilla and the consistent acting of Leonela.
  7. The margins were good, but the demand was not consistent, and there was no opportunity for growth.
  8. Taylor, it depends on how fast your body heals and if you are consistent with the exercises your daughter will help you with on a daily basis.
  9. Now, however, I see nothing in it but a very natural and consistent degree of discretion.
  10. It shows that the entrepreneur has selected consistent approaches for all aspects of the business to support the overall strategy.