English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "oorweeg" is om goed oor iets te dink voordat jy 'n besluit neem of tot 'n gevolgtrekking kom. Dit kan ook beteken om 'n bepaalde faktor of omstandigheid in ag te neem of in ag te neem. Daarbenewens kan dit verwys na die handeling om iemand of iets op 'n spesifieke manier te beskou of te behandel, soos om iemand as 'n vriend te beskou of om 'n tuiste te oorweeg.

Sentence Examples

  1. I consider those areas where the lack of small-scale farming has reached such a crisis that in a bid to draw the locals back to the land the Cabildo are giving away large plots with access to water.
  2. I consider walking off the road but the going is too rough, even on two good legs, Besides, it would make little difference.
  3. I assured him that Cearus is best pleased when happy sailors pay homage to him and said I would consider it a personal favor if he were to join us aboard and entertain my crew during their off-duty hours.
  4. No matter what has happened or who will be charged in what I fear will be a crime, I consider myself responsible.
  5. I begin to consider going home when Shirley corners the plaza.
  6. Nor would I consider asking for your opinion, let alone your permission.
  7. I consider the south of the island, where much of the land is untended or not tillable.
  8. Did I really just consider that someone in the Alliance might be responsible for the murders?
  9. I consider taking a quick look in the hand-stitched leather shop nearby when I spot Richard, dapper in black, emerging through the trees that fill the plaza.
  10. I consider driving away, leaving the interview for another time.

TV Series Examples



They consider themselves our equals.