English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "toestemming" is om toestemming te gee of tot iets toe te stem. Dit verwys na die handeling om 'n mens se vrywillige en ingeligte goedkeuring of instemming tot 'n voorstel, versoek of aksie te gee. Dit kan ook beteken om aan iets te voldoen of te bewillig. Toestemming is 'n belangrike konsep op baie terreine van die lewe, insluitend wetlike, mediese en seksuele kontekste. In hierdie kontekste verwys dit na die ooreenkoms of toestemming wat 'n individu aan 'n ander individu of entiteit gegee het vir 'n spesifieke handeling of gedrag.

Sentence Examples

  1. Taking it as consent, Derik moves his length carefully in and out of me.
  2. By mutual unspoken consent, they found a comfortable grassy place to sit, away from prying eyes.
  3. He takes it as consent and continues to inhale me as if his life depends on it.
  4. Geirolf nodded, giving his consent to the plan the boys had designed without him.
  5. The sorcerer visualised a tentative image of patting, and received consent.
  6. It only remains now for me to tell you the state I was in when in that consent that I heard I saw all my hopes mocked, the words and promises of Luscinda proved falsehoods, and the recovery of the prize I had that instant lost rendered impossible for ever.
  7. You helped me, without your consent at that, to shore up my weaknesses.
  8. Thus, then, several days went by, and Lothario, without uttering a word to Camilla, reported to Anselmo that he had talked with her and that he had never been able to draw from her the slightest indication of consent to anything dishonourable, nor even a sign or shadow of hope on the contrary, he said she would inform her husband of it.
  9. And, as nothing of all thou wilt urge in opposition to my wish will avail to keep me from carrying it into effect, it is my desire, friend Lothario, that thou shouldst consent to become the instrument for effecting this purpose that I am bent upon, for I will afford thee opportunities to that end, and nothing shall be wanting that I may think necessary for the pursuit of a virtuous, honourable, modest and high-minded woman.
  10. Miss Rhodes clearly did mind, but she gave silent consent before lifting the younger of her two girls and sniffing at her nappy.