English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord bewussyn is die toestand of kwaliteit van bewus wees van 'n mens se omgewing, gedagtes, emosies en sensasies. Dit is die toestand van bewus of bewus wees van jou eie bestaan en die wêreld om hulle. Bewussyn kan ook verwys na die geestelike prosesse betrokke by persepsie, denke en oordeel. Dit is 'n fundamentele aspek van menslike ervaring en word dikwels beskou as een van die mees geheimsinnige en komplekse verskynsels op die gebied van sielkunde en filosofie.

Sentence Examples

  1. After the third or fourth pull, he regained some measure of consciousness.
  2. Rumours began to flow that there was a hierarchy amongst the vampires that some had retained much of their human consciousness.
  3. The thought reverberated through his consciousness.
  4. The picture was one of total exhaustion his bodily torment could only increase in consciousness.
  5. The darkness seeps into your brain, snuffing out whatever light existed in your consciousness.
  6. The thought that it might be Lillye flits through my consciousness and my breath catches in my throat.
  7. He tried to walk, but fell flat on his face, blood pooling around him as he lost consciousness.
  8. Dimly he held on to consciousness, trying to grope blindly to his feet.
  9. Agony radiated through my body, and my last thought before losing consciousness was that Nell would be seriously pissed.
  10. She stayed with him, stroking his hair as he lost consciousness.