English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "gelukwens" is om plesier of vreugde aan iemand uit te druk vir 'n prestasie, sukses of voorspoed. Dit is 'n daad om iemand te prys of erkenning te gee vir hul prestasies of goeie nuus. Die woord kan as 'n werkwoord gebruik word, en die daad om iemand geluk te wens word na verwys as "gelukwens".


  1. compliment

Sentence Examples

  1. Ageip landed neatly and everyone rushed to congratulate him.
  2. The creature cries out again, and I silently congratulate myself that the hours of practice have paid off.
  3. This generation inclines a little to congratulate itself on being the last of an illustrious line and in Boston and London and Paris and Rome, thinking of its long descent, it speaks of its progress in art and science and literature with satisfaction.
  4. Rapunzel gave me a sly grin, and I wanted to congratulate her, but more soldiers came at us.
  5. Some of the children stood to congratulate the winner, patting her on the back.
  6. He opened his mouth to congratulate her when she interrupted him.
  7. Influential people come one after another to congratulate me.
  8. Weston, to congratulate her, and a very proper, handsome letter it was.
  9. When he finally got Cat back from the girls, more people pushed forward to congratulate them.
  10. I congratulate you, my dear Harriet, with all my heart.