English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "bevestiging" is die handeling om iets wat voorheen onseker of onbekend was, te verifieer of te bekragtig. Dit kan ook verwys na die formele erkenning of goedkeuring van iets, soos 'n besluit of 'n aanstelling. Daarbenewens kan "bevestiging" verwys na 'n sakrament in sommige godsdienstige tradisies, waarin 'n persoon versterk word in hul geloof en toewyding aan hul oortuigings.

Sentence Examples

  1. I texted back a confirmation and caught sight of my father approaching from the dance floor.
  2. With such an opinion, in confirmation of his own, Mr.
  3. Excited at this confirmation of his theory about Ebberston, Jake closed the volume and typed up a few notes.
  4. If anyone wanted to confirm my story, they could easily look up the Blue Ridge wolves out of Michigan for confirmation.
  5. I take that as confirmation of the affair that she talked about in her dream, and Brian agrees.
  6. It was a confirmation of what had been missing all these years.
  7. Should the kittens be found to suffer uneasiness in an equal degree with their mother, I must consider my theory in fault, but a failure to do so I should look upon as a strong confirmation of my idea.
  8. I suspect the constable awaits confirmation of this order.
  9. The confirmation has just arrived, so I guess I may tell everyone, now.
  10. I have to try and get some kind of confirmation on this.