English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "selfversekerd" is om 'n sterk geloof in 'n mens se vermoëns, eienskappe en oordeel te hê. Dit kan ook verwys na om seker of seker te voel oor iets, of om vertroue en geloof in jouself of 'n ander persoon te hê. Vertroue word dikwels geassosieer met selfversekerdheid, moed, selfgelding en optimisme. 'n Persoon met selfvertroue is iemand wat nie maklik deur uitdagings of terugslae afgeskrik word nie en in staat is om berekende risiko's te neem om hul doelwitte te bereik.

Sentence Examples

  1. She was confident that in the gloom of the stable, even if someone did look up, they would be unable to see her up in the stable roof.
  2. No one else would be able to interpret it, of that he was confident.
  3. Against all odds, I felt confident that she was into me.
  4. Wyatt was confident of the support he would draw to their cause from the Londoners who did not favour the Spanish match.
  5. When she was confident that none of the servants were in the immediate vicinity of her quarters, she slipped through her door and crept down the stairs to the second floor.
  6. Jordan was confident in his talent and voice and clearly not afraid to stand up for himself.
  7. Wyatt, confident of success, and unaware that the risings in the Midlands and Suffolk had failed, was convinced that there would be two more forces, equal to the one he lead, advancing towards the Capital.
  8. He would never forgive himself if she were to disappear, and he was nowhere near confident enough in his own skills to feel assured that he could find her if she went missing.
  9. I shook the troubling thoughts from my head, confident my former best friend was not a double killer.
  10. The snow had hardened, and Mudge was very confident of being able to transport Mr.