English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "kondisionering" is die proses om 'n persoon of dier te oefen of gewoond te maak om op 'n sekere manier op te tree of om 'n bepaalde reaksie met 'n spesifieke stimulus te assosieer. Dit kan ook verwys na die handeling om die fisiese of geestelike gesondheid van iets of iemand te verbeter of in stand te hou deur gereelde oefening of ander vorme van behandeling. In 'n meer algemene sin kan kondisionering verwys na die toestand van iets of iemand, veral in terme van hul fisiese of geestelike gesondheid of gereedheid vir 'n spesifieke taak of situasie.

Sentence Examples

  1. But the emotions welling up in me were threatening to overwhelm that conditioning.
  2. At least there was evidence of air conditioning, so they had that going for them.
  3. The air conditioning vents were silent, and the stone roof cracked and sprouted weeds.
  4. They were vestiges from the days before air conditioning, when low-country families turned a season into a verb and summered here, fleeing the hot coastal areas and bringing their churches with them.
  5. The conditioning had helped me turn my life around, but I always had issues getting through the night without having some alcohol to help me.
  6. Above her head, the air conditioning buzzed, bringing fresh oxygen to those who were close to giving up altogether.
  7. The air conditioning buzzing went silent, the absence of fresh air gave the room a musky appearance.
  8. She spent the morning cleaning her weapons, conditioning her leathers, and performing the deshya in her rafters, and all these things helped to calm her, particularly the deshya.
  9. Inside, she waited for the air conditioning to kick in and her adrenaline to calm down.
  10. His lack of conditioning produced an audible wheeze and a flushed face.