English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "kondenseer" is om iets digter of kompaker te maak, of om 'n gas of damp deur afkoeling of kompressie in 'n vloeibare vorm te laat verander. In tegniese kontekste kan kondenseer ook verwys na die proses om vog of ander onsuiwerhede uit 'n stof te verwyder, of na die proses om 'n groot hoeveelheid inligting of teks in 'n meer bondige vorm op te som of te verkort.


  1. condensation

Sentence Examples

  1. Some were condensing air into a dry tangible substance, by extracting the niter, and letting the aqueous or fluid particles percolate others softening marble for pillows and pincushions others petrifying the hoofs of a living horse to preserve them from foundering.
  2. Richard had worked for him, originally as a scribe, but eventually condensing communications and reporting directly to Seymour on information received.
  3. Janis pressed his hands together, condensing the air between them until his hands naturally pushed apart from the growing pressure.
  4. I lost not a moment, accordingly, in throwing overboard first my ballast, then my water-kegs, then my condensing apparatus and gum-elastic chamber, and finally every article within the car.
  5. He felt as though his consciousness was condensing again.
  6. I now unpacked the condensing apparatus, and got it ready for immediate use.
  7. I snuggled closer and felt the air condensing around us, the temperature falling slightly.