English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "kondensor" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks, maar sommige algemene definisies sluit in:'n Toestel of toerusting wat gebruik word om 'n stof van 'n gas- of damptoestand na 'n vloeibare of vaste toestand. Voorbeelde sluit in 'n koelmiddelkondensor in 'n lugversorgingseenheid of 'n stoomkondensor in 'n kragsentrale.'n Lens of stelsel lense wat in optika gebruik word om ligstrale te fokus of te rig, tipies deur hulle te laat konvergeer.'n Kapasitor in elektriese ingenieurswese, wat 'n passiewe elektroniese komponent is wat elektriese energie in 'n elektriese veld stoor.'n Mikrofoonkomponent wat klankgolwe in 'n elektriese sein omskakel deur 'n diafragma te gebruik om te vibreer in reaksie op klankdrukgolwe.

Sentence Examples

  1. Indeed, the labor now required by the condenser had increased to a most oppressive degree, and allowed me scarcely any respite from exertion.
  2. This apparatus will require some little explanation, and your Excellencies will please to bear in mind that my object, in the first place, was to surround myself and cat entirely with a barricade against the highly rarefied atmosphere in which I was existing, with the intention of introducing within this barricade, by means of my condenser, a quantity of this same atmosphere sufficiently condensed for the purposes of respiration.
  3. In this rim was screwed the large tube of the condenser, the body of the machine being, of course, within the chamber of gum-elastic.
  4. The difficulty of breathing, however, was diminished in a very slight degree, and I found that it would soon be positively necessary to make use of my condenser.
  5. My distance from the moon was comparatively trifling, while the labor required by the condenser was diminished not at all, and I could discover no indication whatever of a decreasing rarity in the air.
  6. Punctually every sixty minutes was I aroused by my trusty chronometer, when, having emptied the pitcher into the bung-hole of the keg, and performed the duties of the condenser, I retired again to bed.
  7. She scanned the water condenser with her mind, Reinfused all of the Sources and Sinks and set them to work creating water.