English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "saamgestel" is:kalm en in beheer van 'n mens se gevoelens of gedrag; om 'n mens se gevoelens en uitdrukkings onder beheer te hê; nie opgewonde of ontsteld nie. Dit kan ook beteken dat dit bestaan uit verskeie elemente of dele wat 'n geheel vorm, soos 'n saamgestelde foto of 'n gekomponeerde stuk musiek.

Sentence Examples

  1. Wisdom placed a pair of pince-nez-style glasses halfway up his long nose and read from an orange autopsy card, composed, assertive.
  2. He seemed self composed again and smiled warmly as they shook hands.
  3. Then he composed himself and sat with his palm against an oak tree.
  4. He took in a deep breath and composed himself, as he thought back over what he had said.
  5. He was expecting more sobs but Claire composed herself, keeping back any tears she might have left to cry.
  6. She appeared more composed and alert than she had the previous night, though her eyes were red-rimmed and bloodshot, her face and lips colorless.
  7. I was completely taken aback the man I knew as Hawke Morau was composed at all times, even in the most dire of situations.
  8. One, with a fan and some bits of paper, performed the graceful trick of the butterflies and the flowers another traced in the air, with the odorous smoke of his pipe, a series of blue words, which composed a compliment to the audience while a third juggled with some lighted candles, which he extinguished successively as they passed his lips, and relit again without interrupting for an instant his juggling.
  9. The crew of the Tankadere was composed of John Bunsby, the master, and four hardy mariners, who were familiar with the Chinese seas.
  10. He had yellow eyes and brutal, smashed features composed mainly of a low-hanging brow.