English to afrikaans meaning of

Volgens die Oxford English Dictionary beteken "heeltemal" "op elke manier of soveel as moontlik; heeltemal." Dit dui op die geheel of volheid van iets sonder enige uitsonderings of beperkings. Dit kan ook impliseer dat geen verdere aksie of wysiging nodig is nie, aangesien iets reeds heeltemal voltooi of ten volle bereik is.

Sentence Examples

  1. The call from Simon, whoever he was, had come completely out of nowhere.
  2. When a Venator is completely drained, they sometimes faint, or in very rare cases, die.
  3. As if I imagined everything in the past few seconds, Lori has completely disappeared.
  4. The lines disappeared completely as her face relaxed in relief.
  5. As this final demon was destroyed the blade flew out of her palm completely, levitating in the air instead.
  6. I needed to get the hell out of there before I lost it completely.
  7. As I watch these women standing horrified in pain, I realize that I have completely lost my mind.
  8. Her face changed too, subtly, but enough that I looked at a completely different person.
  9. Josh saw Ryan try to crawl away, completely human now.
  10. The devices can turn someone completely invisible, for a few minutes, anyway.

TV Series Examples



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