English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "komplement" is:Iets wat voltooi of volmaak maak.'n Eweknie, óf van twee dele wat mekaar aanvul óf van twee persone wat op een of ander manier ooreenstem.'n Woord, frase of sinsdeel wat nodig is om die betekenis van 'n sin of voorwerp te voltooi deur die samestelling van die onderwerp of voorwerp van 'n geheel te beskryf. of vorm 'n gebalanseerde groep.Die hoeveelheid of hoeveelheid wat nodig is om iets te voltooi.In wiskunde is die komplement van 'n versameling die versameling van alle elemente in 'n gegewe heelal wat nie in die versameling is nie.


  1. accompaniment

Sentence Examples

  1. He was looking for something to complement the Remington.
  2. Over the years, they develop a natural flow of movements which complement each other.
  3. In one curved line, synchronous with the ebbing tide, stood King Croc, with his full complement of armed crocodiles, eels, and the few sharks that King Blu had authorized.
  4. There was a full complement of passengers on board, among them English, many Americans, a large number of coolies on their way to California, and several East Indian officers, who were spending their vacation in making the tour of the world.
  5. Raldaw roared, as did his complement of man-eating bears.
  6. Approaching lunchtime on a Friday and already a full complement of dancers sashayed about the place, gliding from one group of men to another.
  7. They needed a full complement of working men and women.
  8. and his predecessors and he saw that the complement was not half empty.
  9. At that instant, the full complement of the health and safety committee arrived at the door.