English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "gemeenskap" is 'n groep mense wat op dieselfde plek woon of 'n spesifieke eienskap in gemeen het. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n gevoel van gemeenskap met ander, as gevolg van die deel van gemeenskaplike houdings, belangstellings en doelwitte. Daarbenewens kan dit verwys na 'n groep interafhanklike organismes wat dieselfde streek bewoon en met mekaar in wisselwerking is. Die konsep van gemeenskap word dikwels geassosieer met 'n gevoel van behoort en wedersydse ondersteuning, sowel as gedeelde waardes en sosiale norme.


  1. biotic community

Sentence Examples

  1. Carol was out at a Community Center meeting tonight, which was good because Kate needed the time alone to work.
  2. Even though the vinyl letters on the back door of the old gym announced Golden Grove Community Center, too many memories still made it high school to her.
  3. The people and the land, where resources are shared, not owned, where community lies at the center of their circle and where the Great Spirit speaks, because they actively seek to listen.
  4. It still said GOLDEN GROVE HIGH SCHOOL etched in stone over the wooden front doors, but a newer, brown and white sign on posts near the front said Community Center.
  5. As long as it broke even, she said, we were doing the community a good turn.
  6. The entirety of the Northern community could be safe.
  7. My husband and I moved from Atlanta to a community about thirty minutes this side of Westend.
  8. They walk past the gates, Paula explaining that the marina was built by a José Calero in the 1980s, and developed into an exclusive community of expensive hotels and large houses.
  9. Humans walked the streets, smiling and chatting, completely unaware of the supernatural community.
  10. The Bandalas make a significant contribution to the community.