English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "kommunikeerder" is 'n persoon wat kommunikeer, of 'n toestel wat kommunikasie tussen mense of toestelle fasiliteer. As 'n selfstandige naamwoord kan "kommunikeerder" verwys na 'n persoon wat vaardig is om idees of inligting effektief te kommunikeer, soos 'n openbare spreker, 'n joernalis of 'n uitsaaier. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n toestel, soos 'n foon, radio of rekenaar, wat mense in staat stel om met mekaar te kommunikeer of toegang tot inligting te verkry. Boonop kan "kommunikeerder" verwys na 'n instrument of tegnologie wat vir kommunikasie in spesifieke kontekste gebruik word, soos 'n navigasiekommunikeerder wat deur stappers gebruik word of 'n mediese kommunikeerder wat in hospitale gebruik word.

Sentence Examples

  1. Every communicator comes fitted with an alert button.
  2. As I ran, I tapped the touch screen of the communicator and put in the key Jeth had given me.
  3. I scanned it again to make sure I had it memorised, and my communicator buzzed in my pocket.
  4. His communicator fell out of his pocket with a clang, and he fumbled to pick it up.
  5. I rested my forehead on my knuckles, holding my communicator with the other hand.
  6. I crossed the car park quickly, in time to see a pale-looking supervisor raise his communicator and project his voice across the crowd.
  7. I feinted a kick, fast, darted forwards and snatched the communicator.
  8. As I left the building, my communicator vibrated in my pocket.
  9. If you see anything out of place, tell me via communicator.
  10. He took out his communicator again, tapping the screen.