English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord verbintenis is 'n belofte of belofte om iets te doen, wat dikwels 'n langtermyn verpligting of verantwoordelikheid behels. Dit verwys na die toestand of kwaliteit om toegewy te wees aan 'n saak of aktiwiteit, en bereid wees om tyd, energie en hulpbronne te bestee om 'n bepaalde doel of uitkoms te bereik. Verbintenis kan ook verwys na 'n wetlik bindende ooreenkoms of kontrak tussen twee of meer partye, wat die bepalings en voorwaardes van hul verhouding of transaksie uiteensit. Oor die algemeen impliseer toewyding 'n sterk gevoel van vasberadenheid, lojaliteit en aanspreeklikheid teenoor 'n persoon, organisasie of doelwit.

Sentence Examples

  1. There were lots of forests in close proximity to the MPE plant, but MPE had to get a commitment from one or more of them to supply poles.
  2. Pirate life had afforded them all independence from commitment, repercussions from the law, wealth, and freedom.
  3. Nothing had prepared him to expect the level of commitment he had just given to a people he hardly knew.
  4. We did limit our initial commitment to less than six months, just in case, but our friends were still amazed.
  5. He invested the funds and told me it would in no way change his commitment to his day job.
  6. Without the commitment for a supply of poles, I agreed with Dave that the risk of the deal was unreasonably high.
  7. Danton was quite happy about the commitment the woodfolk had been forced to make to Prince Tarkyn.
  8. Then there was the level of commitment demanded from Tarkyn by the oath.
  9. There was no time for doubt or hesitation, only commitment.
  10. Her commitment was to Julius, and she planned on sticking to it.