English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "kommissie" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar moontlike definisies:'n Groep mense wat aangestel of gemagtig is om 'n bepaalde taak of funksie te verrig.Die handeling om gesag aan iemand te verleen om 'n bepaalde taak te verrig. taak of funksie.'n Fooi of persentasie wat aan iemand betaal word vir die verkoop van goedere of dienste of vir die voltooiing van 'n bepaalde taak.Die handeling om iets te bestel of te versoek om gemaak of gedoen te word, soos 'n kunswerk of 'n gebou.'n Formele dokument wat aan iemand die gesag verleen om 'n bepaalde taak of funksie te verrig.'n Paar voorbeelde van hoe die woord " kommissie" kan in sinne gebruik word:Die president het 'n kommissie aangestel om die oorsake van die onlangse aandelemarkineenstorting te ondersoek.Ek het 'n kommissie ontvang om 'n skildery vir die voorportaal van 'n nuwe kantoorgebou.Die verkoopspersoon het 'n kommissie van 10% verdien op alle produkte wat verkoop is.Die argitek het 'n kommissie ontvang om 'n nuwe biblioteek vir die stad te ontwerp.Die soldaat het 'n opdrag as offisier in die weermag ontvang nadat hy opleiding voltooi het.

Sentence Examples

  1. He usually keeps good time, although when I went to the studio I understood he wanted to complete the island landscape on his easel, a commission for a Swedish doctor who owns a villa in Mancha Blanca.
  2. Celestino has been missing for four days and the La Mareta commission will be announced in five.
  3. He again repeated the message and commission with which he was to go on his behalf to his lady Dulcinea, and said he was not to be uneasy as to the payment of his services, for before leaving home he had made his will, in which he would find himself fully recompensed in the matter of wages in due proportion to the time he had served but if God delivered him safe, sound, and unhurt out of that danger, he might look upon the promised island as much more than certain.
  4. Six days until the winner of the La Mareta commission will be announced and reason is getting away from me.
  5. Thursday means four more days until the commission winner will be announced and five days since Celestino disappeared.
  6. The desk top is empty save for his computer and, open atop his keyboard, the letter acknowledging receipt of his application to secure a commission of indigenous artworks for La Mareta, a stately home soon to be opened to the public.
  7. Plus, with Hector out of the way, Cole would take his place and get a huge commission on the sales.
  8. Some of the drawings look like ideas for the La Mareta commission.
  9. Or the commission is taking far longer than he anticipated.
  10. His head was bowed down upon his hands, and he pored, with a fiery unquiet eye, over a paper which I took to be a commission, and which, at all events, bore the signature of a monarch.