English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "gekam" is die vorige deelwoord van die werkwoord "kam." Hier is die woordeboekbetekenisse:Om te kam (werkwoord): Om met behulp van 'n kam of 'n soortgelyke werktuig te ontwar, rangskik of versorg (hare, pels, ens.). Voorbeeldsin: Sy het haar lang hare gekam voordat sy na die partytjie gegaan het.Om deeglik (iets) te soek of te ondersoek om iets te vind of te ontdek. Voorbeeldsin: Hy het deur die lêers gefynkam om die vermiste dokument te vind.Om ongewenste elemente of onsuiwerhede van (iets) te verwyder deur deeglike ondersoek of ondersoek. Voorbeeldsin: Die sekuriteitspan het die gebou gefynkam vir enige potensiële bedreigings.(Plantkunde) Om 'n prominente rangskikking van dele, soos blare of takke, aan die teenoorgestelde kante van 'n as of stam. Voorbeeldsin: Die plant het gekamde blare langs sy stam gehad.(Tekstiele) Om met 'n kam of soortgelyke instrument te kaar of verwerk (vesel) ter voorbereiding vir spin of weef. Voorbeeldsin: Die vesels is gekam om hulle voor te berei om tot gare te spin.As 'n selfstandige naamwoord verwys "kam" na 'n tandwerktuig wat gebruik word om hare of ander hare te los of te rangskik. vesels, of 'n struktuur of rangskikking met 'n soortgelyke voorkoms, soos 'n heuningkoek of 'n haankam.

Sentence Examples

  1. She wears the schoolgirl outfit of the blond in the cave, but her hair combed back into a bun is a muddy red, the unfashionable color, not the one everyone emulates through Clairol.
  2. His salt and pepper hair is perfectly combed back, a bit of a white streak happening around one temple but this guy plays it up, embracing what I suspect is early middle age.
  3. To my surprise, TB steps out of the bathroom dressed in new jeans and a smart button-down shirt, his thick head of hair nicely combed back.
  4. I was surprised anything was left in the dump after folks combed through it, regular-like.
  5. Hawke looked like a new man, his hair neatly combed and parted so it fell down either side of his head.
  6. She combed it from top to bottom, taking in as many details as she could.
  7. The small boy, clothed in a billowy tunic three sizes too big and equally large leather pants tied around his waist with a leather drawstring, now had his blond hair washed and combed, and he was clean and comfortable.
  8. She combed the remaining tangles from her hair before pulling it into a top knot.
  9. Breathing out in evident relief, she combed her fingers through her hair, brushing it away from her face.
  10. I washed my face, combed my hair, and put on jeans and a t-shirt.