English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "koloniaal" verwys na iets wat verband hou met of kenmerkend van 'n kolonie, wat 'n gebied of streek is wat deur 'n vreemde moondheid beheer word. Die term kan verskeie konnotasies hê, afhangende van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar moontlike definisies van "koloniaal":Byvoeglike naamwoord: Verwant aan, kenmerkend van of betrekking op 'n kolonie of kolonies. Byvoorbeeld:Koloniale heerskappy: Verwys na die bestuur of administrasie van 'n kolonie deur 'n vreemde moondheid.Koloniale argitektuur: Verwysing na argitektoniese style of ontwerpe wat algemeen was gedurende die tydperk van kolonialisme, dikwels gekenmerk deur invloede van die koloniserende land. 'n lid van 'n kolonie woon. Byvoorbeeld:Britse koloniale: Verwys na Britse mense wat in die tydperk van kolonialisme in die Britse kolonies gewoon het of deel daarvan was.Selfstandige naamwoord: 'n Produk of item wat afgelei is van of geassosieer word met 'n kolonie. Byvoorbeeld:Koloniale goedere: Verwys na produkte of goedere wat in 'n kolonie geproduseer of verhandel word, dikwels vir uitvoer na die koloniserende land.Oor die algemeen hou "koloniaal" tipies verband met die historiese tydperk van kolonisasie, waar een land beheer oor 'n ander gebied of streek vestig, en die implikasie wat die gevolg is van so 'n land of streek.

Sentence Examples

  1. He cuts through the plaza and on past the town hall, pausing to admire the colonial façade from the vantage of the plaza opposite, then veering left near the little market set back on the other side of a concreted swale in the road.
  2. Such memorials of the passage and struggles of man are yet frequent throughout the broad barrier of wilderness which once separated the hostile provinces, and form a species of ruins that are intimately associated with the recollections of colonial history, and which are in appropriate keeping with the gloomy character of the surrounding scenery.
  3. Consuela had disappeared into an enormous room filled with overstuffed couches, Spanish Colonial antiques, and a fireplace that could serve as a parking spot for a Mini-Cooper.
  4. Jumping down from the truck, I looked up at the familiar two-story colonial house.
  5. Set in its own grounds, the two-storey building has all the grandeur of old colonial days, with tall sash windows and verandas on each level.
  6. Sidewalk crowds spilled between the parked vehicles and into the street outside the Knickerbocker, a masterpiece of Spanish Colonial and Beaux Arts architecture with its Renaissance Revival Bar, a lair of stars, most notably Rudolph Valentino before his tragic death only two months ago.
  7. The Spanish colonial building has been beautifully restored whenever I come here I always admire the decorative panelling of the windows, carved out of ancient wood and stained a dark brown.
  8. Although the pool and surroundings were more modern than colonial, the whole ambiance was of white wealth.
  9. I had got the Colonial ex-Premier fellow, Crumpleton, coming to speak for me tonight, and had the thing tremendously billed and the whole place ground-baited.
  10. The large gates, like the outside of the imposing hotel, were white, giving a strong colonial feel to the place.