English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "kolonel" is 'n selfstandige naamwoord wat verwys na 'n militêre rang bo 'n luitenant-kolonel en onder 'n brigadier-generaal. In die Amerikaanse weermag, lugmag en marienekorps is 'n kolonel tipies in beheer van 'n regiment of groep soldate. In die Britse leër en baie Statebondlande is 'n kolonel gewoonlik in bevel van 'n bataljon. Die woord "kolonel" word uitgespreek kər-nəl, wat die resultaat is van 'n historiese taalkundige evolusie van die Italiaanse woord "colonnello" wat "kolom van soldate" beteken.

Sentence Examples

  1. Fogg, Aouda, and Fix raised their heads, and beheld Colonel Proctor.
  2. Colonel Proctor was one of the most seriously hurt he had fought bravely, and a ball had entered his groin.
  3. The door of the next car opened, and Colonel Proctor appeared on the platform, attended by a Yankee of his own stamp as his second.
  4. Should he perceive Colonel Proctor, we could not prevent a collision which might have terrible results.
  5. Chance alone, it was clear, had brought Colonel Proctor on this train but there he was, and it was necessary, at all hazards, that Phileas Fogg should not perceive his adversary.
  6. Passepartout wished to throw the colonel out of the window, but a sign from his master checked him.
  7. Fogg and Colonel Proctor, each provided with two six-barrelled revolvers, entered the car.
  8. The passengers drew around and took part in the discussion, in which Colonel Proctor, with his insolent manner, was conspicuous.
  9. Several passengers had got off at Green River, and were walking up and down the platforms and among these Aouda recognised Colonel Stamp Proctor, the same who had so grossly insulted Phileas Fogg at the San Francisco meeting.
  10. Thirty or forty passengers had already descended, amongst them Colonel Stamp Proctor.