English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "versameling" is 'n groep voorwerpe of items wat bymekaargemaak is, gewoonlik vir 'n spesifieke doel of deur 'n bepaalde persoon. Dit kan ook verwys na die handeling van opgaar of versameling van dinge, of die resultaat van daardie handeling. Versamelings kan 'n wye verskeidenheid dinge insluit, soos boeke, seëls, munte, kunswerke of enige ander tipe item wat mense kan kies om te versamel. Daarbenewens kan die term "invordering" ook verwys na 'n finansiële skuld wat deur 'n persoon of maatskappy verskuldig is.


  1. assembling
  2. aggregation
  3. collecting

Sentence Examples

  1. I passed a collection of concrete cisterns, looking like sepulchers, stacked atop each other on pallets and slipped into the shadows of a group of trees growing like an oasis just off-center in the lot.
  2. The money was a collection of coins differing in shape and colour.
  3. Rune stopped in the doorway and gazed at the collection of swords and armaments.
  4. His grandfather had been a recording engineer there, and had left him both his record collection, and his house in Baltimore.
  5. We experience different states of consciousness, the unconscious, and in-between visionary conditions, which we often assume are an unconnected collection of thoughts, dreams, and desires.
  6. In this collection you will meet some familiar friends and perhaps make some new ones.
  7. Inside the girls dissected chest there was a collection of gelatinous black fluid, it seemed to sac around the lungs, it wobbled, and it made Dean uneasy.
  8. Still, the windows let in tree-balanced sunshine and a cool breeze and we all turn ADHD as we gaze upon the gaudy trinkets, T-shirts, gardening accessories and a vast collection of rocks and minerals while the owners, Bud and Charlene Moseley, tell the history of the cave.
  9. All pieces can be rolled and squeezed into a suitcase and will not wrinkle when traveling, the perfect collection for someone like me.
  10. Nor did the collection of sharpened swords splayed out on a corner table.