English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "kraag" is 'n band of strook materiaal wat om die nek gedra word, tipies om jouself warm te hou, vir versiering, of as 'n simbool van identifikasie of affiliasie. Dit kan ook verwys na die deel van 'n kledingstuk wat die nek of die nekband van 'n hemp, bloes of baadjie omring. Boonop kan "kraag" as 'n werkwoord gebruik word om te beteken om aan die kraag vas te gryp of om 'n kraag aan iets of iemand te sit.

Sentence Examples

  1. Sintian fell straight into Tarensen, who seized him by the collar.
  2. Over the years, the crowd has evolved from blue collar workers and biker outlaws to trendsetters, artists, and the young entrepreneurial crowd.
  3. Abit had Jake by the collar, and he looked up at me with a funny expression, an odd mix of fear and excitement.
  4. Her jacket, which Brooke thought resembled a pirate jacket, was white, but with red collar, cuffs and buttons.
  5. The goblin seized him by the collar and charged Evan towards the fountain.
  6. His new uniforms had arrived just that morning, and the cut of the high collar was different, chafing him.
  7. The deep and pointed collar of her pink dress shirt covered her entire neck and had a small opal and silver broach clasped over the top button.
  8. He had turned his collar up and he walked with purpose, head bent, looking like any other Cearovan citizen hurrying to get inside, away from the damp chill.
  9. Jake barked furiously as I grabbed his collar and held tight.
  10. One of her earrings, an oversized faux silver hoop, snags on the collar of her velour top.